
Belgians have decreased their egg consumption during last year


The situation had nothing to do with the Fipronil crisis that affected the poultry industry in Europe and Asia.

Posted on May 29 ,14:02

Belgians have decreased their egg consumption during last year

The egg consumption in Belgium in 2017 has decreased by 3% according to the official statistics, quoted by Retail Detail magazine. However, the market response was not generated by the Fipronil scandal that affected 15 EU countries as one could believe it.
Analysts from Gfk Belgium are convinced that higher prices and a continued shift to organic products were the main reasons behind the decrease in consumption.
On average, a Belgian bought slightly more than 71 eggs for 13.1 euro, two eggs or 3 % less than in 2016 and more than 4 eggs below the level of the record year 2013. An increase in the price of free-range eggs and organic eggs has dropped the purchase frequency from 16 to 15 times per year.
The segment of organic eggs was the only one to register a growth in terms of market share. The number of organic egg buyers grew from 24% to 27%, the product representing now 9% of the total egg sales in Belgium, with a turnover of 14%, according to the study.

Gfk analysts have observed that the drop in egg sales in Belgium was already present at the time the Fipronil crisis has started, in July 2017.

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