Norway exported NOK 14.4 billion (1 NOK = 0,095 EUR) worth of seafood in November, representing a...
The value of Norwegian seafood exports has never been higher in a single month than in August. La...
Búlandstindur, located in the east of Iceland in Djúpavogi, is one of few in Iceland that process...
Korea was the largest importer of cephalopod in Vietnam, accounting for 40% of Vietnam's total ce...
The industry produces only 13% of domestic consumption and, technically, the stock was depleted l...
Water-jet technology brings more precision and flexibility to portioning, transforming fish proce...
Norway exported seafood with a value of NOK 11.6 billion July, representing an increase of NOK 2....
Alaska seafood marketing Institute is promoting American seafood products at Indagra Food & Carne...
Cold-smoked fish products imported from Estonia are the source of the long-lasting outbreak.
The South Asian country is the first to surpass the 240,000 tonnes delivered in the US.