The Bulgarian Food Safety Agency has reported recently new highly pathogenic H5N8 bird flu cases ...
US exports of poultry and eggs have recovered from the devastating effects of the outbreak of avi...
Representatives of the International Platform of Insects for Food and Feed (IPIFF) are hoping tha...
Poultry breeders from Zimbabwe have asked their government to extend the 40% import tax suspensio...
The measure is to become mandatory in 2022 but is regarding only the eggs sold in supermarkets.
USA remains the main importer of poultry and eggs while Brazil is making efforts to increase its ...
The Chinese authorities have removed antidumping and antisubsidy duties on US broilers. Although ...
"Brexit could impair our ability to transact business in the UK and in countries in the European ...
Despite the recent scandal, Brazil is still one of the largest suppliers of poultry for the Islam...
Only 300 out of 900 restaurants were open at the beginning of this week.