Defra’s latest quarterly estimates of UK meat supplies not only indicate year-on-year growth in d...
Activation of private storage aid for pigmeat and financial support for producers were requested ...
The EU exported 210,000 tonnes of pork in October, an increase of 16% compared to the same month ...
A recent census among New Zealand consumers shows that pork and ham are preferred this year inste...
A process of liquidation due to low prices and the ASF outbreak have taken their toll on the worl...
USMEF recently conducted a series of US pork rib tasting events and cooking classes in partnershi...
The East European country can take advantage by the evolution in the EU pig industry.
UK produced 4% less pork during November than a year ago, production stood at 83,100 tonnes, acco...
Brazil's pork exports reached 51 thousand tonnes in November, 11.3% more than in the same period ...
October pork exports trended seasonally higher compared to recent months but were still below the...