Exports to Asia are supposed to be behind this new market reality.
Production continues to increase, domestic consumption is static, and feed raw material prices ar...
The REWE Group with the sales lines REWE and PENNY in Germany made the decision to pay until furt...
A second lockdown put in place is forcing some of the players to exit the sector.
Muyuan Foods, one of the largest meat producers in China is trying to raise more hogs on a single...
On 21.12.2020, the World Organisation of Animal Health (OIE) confirmed the ASF-free status in all...
At the same time, the number of ASF cases in wild boar population has surpassed 300.
Any drop in demand from China and Hong Kong may turn into a disaster for the Brazilian pork indus...
The disease has spread in two states and threatens to go further.
An increase of 37% in volumes exported in the EU and UK was reported for the month of September.