Kekén, a subsidiary of the KUO Group and a large pork producer in Mexico, has received for the seco...
In July the US pork export volume reported an annual decline for the first time in 15 months, alt...
The average price for weaners in the European Union has reported a decrease by 11.68 euros to 47....
Germany's exports of fresh and frozen pork reported a new decrease by 5% in the first semester of...
The average price for live pork at the beginning of the third decade of August increased compared...
Compared with last week’s reports, the European pigs-mature-for-slaughter market has hardly chang...
Czech farmers have reduced the use of antibiotics in pork by 27.8% between 2010 and 2015 and they...
The number of pigs in Canadian holdings reached 14.1 million heads in July, an increase of 2% com...
Spain's sales of pork meat and processed pork products to Mexico reported a fivefold increase in ...
WH Group, the world's largest pork company, announced its unaudited interim results for the first...