Cargill Protein is investing $22 million (CDN) to install a state-of-the-art Controlled Atmospher...
Turkey's 2017 imports have reached $1.3 billion but the domestic products are getting more expens...
An audit conducted by FSIS declared the Spanish pork inspection equivalent to the one existing on...
In the week ended 24 March, EU-spec SPP prices reported of average of 145.37p/kg, by 0.03p higher...
UK produced 1.8 million tons of poultry meat in 2017, with an increase of 1% year-over-year or 13...
The shortage of labour in the sector could have a bigger impact than an avian flu outbreak.
Australia's goatmeat exports grew by 28% in 2017 compared to the previous year, reaching a record...
DAT-Schaub, a subsidiary of Danish Crown, has acquired a majority stake in Shanghai Natural Casin...