The National Chicken Council’s (NCC) broiler and broiler breeder welfare guidelines have received...
Illinois-based meat producer Stampede Meat has announced that it is investing more than 36 millio...
Russian meat producer Cherkizovo Group has just announced its intention to acquire Altaisky Broil...
Despite its role as a major global seafood producer, the Asian country has increased the value of...
In May, chicken and turkey meat production grew substantially on a yearly basis.
The country's meat and seafood consumption are some of the lowest in EU, according to Croatian Fo...
Tulip Food, a subsidiary of the well-known meat producer Danish Crown, has received approval from...
Miratorg's beef-producing subsidiary Bryansk Meat Company has increased its production by 39% in ...
The Center for Agri-Food Research and Technology of Aragon (CITA) is developing research on the p...
FachPack 2018 trade fair is an opportunity for the company to exhibit some of the new machines an...