The Minister of Agriculture, Jan Krzysztof Ardanowski, announced that there will be incentives in...
France increased its pork exports by 10% in the first six months of 2018, totaling 218,800 tonnes.
Consumer habits are driven now by the young generation that seems to be more attracted by the Wes...
Industry representatives are asking the Government to step up surveillance and consider more stri...
Irish Farmer's Association (IFA) Chairman Angus Woods urges the Irish Agriculture Minister Michae...
White Shells Ltd made a first appearance at Seafood Expo Asia 2018 and caught the attention of so...
The domestic meat market has been affected and the producers have seen their businesses jeopardise.
UN's agricultural body convened nine other countries to discuss the potential risks presented by ...
Spain's growth in pork exports was based on a significant increase in production in the first hal...