"The paradox is that today we have almost the same number of hungry people as obese people and th...
"It undermines everything that chicken farmer does on a daily basis", claims IFA’s Poultry Chairm...
Russian meat giant Cherkizovo Group announced it will invest over 250 million rubles ($3.7 millio...
Canada's Health Minister, Ginette Petitpas Taylor, announced that the Safe Food for Canadians Reg...
The measure will be doubled by the building of a fence in the next few days due to the risk of ...
The salmon industry should continue to innovate to reinforce its current value proposition as a h...
Such an exit would simply be catastrophic for Britain and its food and farming sector and the cou...
Vietnam's shrimp exports totaled $2.97 billion between January and October 2018, increasing by 5....
Mongolian authorities have confirmed an outbreak of African Swine Fever (ASF) on January 9.
69% of all British trade in plastics is completed within the EU and the effect will be felt hard ...