Multiple ASF outbreaks recorded over the summer have reduced the swine inventory by 30% and the p...
During the summer, red meat production in Iran was at 77,000 tonnes, according to the official data.
Starting November 5, Canadian pork is allowed in China after 4 months of suspension in trade.
Dishes from chicken feet or beef liver are local specialties in China and Egypt.
9 outbreaks have been reported since the first incident on September 15 and none of those have be...
Pig meat imports have dropped by 19%, with the US and EU pork exporters being the most affected.
The Danish company is going to supply COFCO, a state-owned company, with pig meat in 2020.
Food Minister Mogens Jensen has appointed Group CEO of Danish Crown Jais Valeur as chairman of a ...
Switching from meat to alternative proteins is a measure that Vion CEO Ronald Lotgerink announced...
Fear of African Swine Fever (ASF) is spreading to all continents as the virus keeps devastate pig...