De Dierenbescherming, Deloitte, Eyes On Animals and Vion have teamed up to jointly develop and ...
"What Wonderful Beef 2.0" campaign adds Vietnam, Japan and Saudi Arabia as new markets targeted b...
Nevertheless, any new member must be prepared to commit to allowing high-quality access to their ...
Prices have skyrocketed in several regions of the country as the ongoing ASF outbreak has reduced...
The mix between Brexit and the COVID-19 crisis has forced many Brits to change their consumer pri...
Exports are to decrease as China will slow down on pork imports and the EU market will take less ...
"Demand for US beef in the global retail sector has been outstanding and we expect this to contin...
Improved weather conditions in Eastern regions helps the ovine sector to rebuild the flock.
Food safety systems from Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, the Republic of Moldova, Tajikistan and Turkey w...
Understanding animal welfare as a concept directly interrelated with other fields (biosecurity, h...