Despite a decrease in Scotland's overall beef herd over the past year, recent cattle population d...
A new research and testing center for pigs is being built at the Schwarzenau state farm. An essen...
This month, FriGol made its first shipment of beef to Canada, consolidating its strategy of diver...
Australian sheep producers’ confidence continues to be impacted by broader climatic and market co...
Beef-loving Argentines are cutting back on their steaks as the country's economy slumps, meaning...
UK abattoir sheep throughput figures for June reveal a “concerning trend” with sheep numbers slau...
Communication and the triple economic, social and environmental sustainability of the white pig s...
To date, the Biden-Harris Administration has invested a total of over $700 million in 48 states a...
Brazilian pork exports (considering all products, including fresh and processed) recorded the bes...
Norway exported seafood worth NOK 80.6 billion in the first half of the year. This is a decrease ...