The arbitrary deadline set by the Government for pricing agricultural emissions has no justificat...
Sao Paulo will become a free zone of foot-and-mouth disease without vaccination, after the next i...
Recently, the National Livestock Reporting Service (NLRS) voluntary slaughter survey recorded nat...
AHDB will be exploring opportunities for red meat and dairy exports in Hong Kong’s foodservice an...
Danish Crown's shareholders have confirmed that they will deliver approximately 11 million pigs i...
The first UK ovine embryos have been shipped as part of the wider access win which has also enabl...
AHDB will be exploring opportunities for UK pork exports to Chile amid an anticipated growth in c...
Minerva informed its shareholders, that the competition authority of Uruguay manifested itself wi...
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has released its quarterly statistics on livestock slau...
In a press conference, ABPA projects an increase in production and exports of poultry, pork and e...