A carrier bag in stores will cost at least DK4 (€0.54) and thin plastic carrier bags will be banned.
Pioneering British food tech company that launched the UK’s first plant-based ‘bleeding’ burger...
The annual growth rate is expected to be at 24.4% and two major players will expand their positio...
Operations in Thailand and Malaysia have been put into a strategic review.
71% of shoppers say they are going to take specific action to reduce their environmental impact o...
Walmart opens a meat processing facility in Thomasville, Georgia, as part of its $90 million comm...
The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) found in a study that 55% of consumers did not...
Consumers' confidence has dropped to 2008 levels, with home-cooked meals and cooking from scratch...
More bio-products in the shelves and digitalization are some of the novelties that are brought in...
Waitrose announced that is going to sell only British lamb starting 2021.