Greece confirms the first case of the disease on a small farm from the north side of the country.
Shipments on the way will be returned to their destination, according to government officials.
86 meat items infected with the ASF virus were seized by customs inspection in the last 16 months.
US cattle producers, feeders, and packers will not likely suffer any significant near-term chang...
An unofficial report shows that there are many farms without biosecurity measures.
A decline in domestic consumption was offset by increased exports to the EU.
It is the first case of mad cow disease found in the country in the last 8 years.
1,000 pigs have died in the last 2 months before authorities confirmed the outbreak.
The volume is 15% higher than the one recorded at the beginning of 2019.
However, budget limitation is the key challenge for producers, according to an FIA/IGD report.