67% of the consumers are preferring to buy sausages and salami at counters in the retail chains, ...
The increasing number of coronavirus cases is threatening the global economy and may start a rece...
The trade is impacted by the uncertainties regarding the selling channels in the country and the ...
Beef exporters from Matto Grosso, the largest beef producer state in Brazil, are expanding their ...
The specter of market-ready hogs with nowhere to go is a nightmare for every pork producer, said ...
Chinese consumers are “experimenting” with new recipes and looking to try cooking beef and lamb d...
Schools, universities, cultural institutions are to be closed until March 29.
The coronavirus outbreak may force the Danish meat processor to adjust production to respond to p...
In January, chicken meat production was 183,713 tonnes, up by 8.8% compared to January 2019.
The company will start a new production line for meat, market and distribute it locally, through ...