CPF all farms’ basic work is to strictly on good operating practices in line with international s...
"Despite the impact from COVID-19, the industry keeps playing its strategic role of ensuring fo...
The business benchmark on farm animal welfare 2019 places the company in the second place in term...
Poultry gains a larger share in the domestic market but beef and pork braces for negative margins...
The dramatic reduction of trade to hotels, restaurants, pubs, educational establishments and wo...
Over the first two months of this year, the total volume of beef imports from these sources was 1...
Ireland is expected to be hit hardest due to high exposure on product exports for foodservice in ...
The production process can be halted at two units in Colorado and Nebraska, USA , after several c...
Under the BEAM scheme livestock sector must reduce the production on the holding of bovine livest...
The demand for poultry in retail compensates for the losses in HoReCa, says the Spanish Associati...