Those who have invested in piglets right before the COVID-19 crisis to expect significant losses.
"There is a real danger that we are being left behind", complains IFA President Tim Cullinan.
The Group ended the strongest-ever six-month period in its history, with profit rising by 46%, bu...
92 people from Westfleisch's plant in Lower Saxony have tested positive for coronavirus.
We incinerate too much waste and we recycle too little, says Environment Minister Lea Wermelin.
The COVID-19 crisis in Malaysia, the largest market for Aussie goats, is impacting the sector.
Cherkizovo has sent already the first batch of 27 tonnes of turkey wigs to mainland China and hop...
Sheep and beef farmers have seen prices going down by 11%.
Beef was the most preferred meat in Spain in the first month of lockdown.
Canada and the US are facing a sectorial crisis as meat plants are shutdown by COVID-19 infections.