The average price for 100 kilos is €124.99, 1.8% down from last week and 3.8% down compared with ...
The new facility consists of three finisher sites and one nursery site, as well as a slaughterhou...
In 2020, the figure is around 1,015 grams of daily growth among our suppliers, said one large com...
Market volatility in the global meat market will favour poultry as the "cheapest meat protein", s...
May has the smallest output in the last three years, according to statistics.
However, production will increase by 0.5%, reflecting the crisis in the foodservice sector.
Increasing cases of COVID-19 in meat factories are denting the supply in the market along with co...
Danish Crown, Tonnies, Westfleisch, Westcrown, Willms and PHW are some majors players in Germany ...
In terms of revenue, the monthly performance increased by 43.4%, announced the Brazilian Animal P...
Cherkizovo, Mirator and CP Foods are biding to buy some of the assets Prioskolie is willing to sale.