Vall Companys announce a drop in profits
Vall Companys obtained a profit of 51 million euros in 2019, which is 30% less compared to 2018. This result occurred despite the fact that the meat group increased its turnover by 13%, to €2,054 million, thanks to the rise in exports to China and the rise in market prices.
As reported by Expansion magazine, this decrease is due to the fact that the company increased its investments and its provisions due to its participation in a company in bankruptcy. On the other hand, investments have been made, such as the one in acquiring the Copalme de Almenar (Lleida) facilities. As reported by the newspaper El Segre, with this acquisition Vall Companys seeks to strengthen its animal feed production unit.
In addition to buying the facilities, Vall Companys has also appropriated some adjacent land so that this project can continue to grow for the next few years. Likewise, Vall Companys has managed to reduce in the last three years between 5.9% and 6.8% the carbon footprint of the pork product, its main line of activity, which is equivalent to 170,119 tons of CO2 not emitted annually at the atmosphere.
Its commitment to climate change has also led the group to carry out process innovations in different industries to increase the energy efficiency of the productive activity, by modifying the cold systems of the meat industries and the replacement of system installations. direct with fluorinated gases by indirect systems based on ammonia (which provides zero emissions, being environmentally neutral) and glycol water as secondary fluid. This means that the electricity consumption demanded is 2.7% lower to provide the same cooling kW. In 2020 Vall Companys began a three-year plan thanks to which solar farms will be installed on plots attached to industries or on roofs in 9 companies of the group to provide, on average, 12.75% of the energy it demands each of them, assuming 4.49% of the group's total energy consumption.
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