
VASEP: Tuna exports reached $328 million

Fish & Seafood

Between January-July 2017, tuna exports from Vietnam reached increased by 22% compared to the corresponding period in 2016, reaching a value of 328 million dollars, according to the statististics from Vietnam Customs analyzed by the Vietnam Association of Seafood Exporters and Producers (VASEP).

Posted on Nov 24 ,09:44

VASEP: Tuna exports reached $328 million


Exports of processed/canned tuna accounted for the highest share of the total tuna exports, 32.3% respectively, followed by those of fresh/live/frozen/dried tuna with 14% from a year before.

In the first 7 months of 2017, sales of tuna loins/fillets remained the large proportion of 48% in total Vietnam tuna exports; followed by those of canned tuna with 30%.

Vietnam currently exports tuna to more than 70 countries worldwide, with the US, the EU, Israel, ASEAN, Japan, Mexico, Canada and China being the top 8 importing markets in the first 7 months of 2017. These 8 markets accounted for 88% of Vietnam's tuna export value.

Vietnam's tuna shipments to the United States increased year-on-year by 8% in July 2017, reaching in value 20 million dollars. Furthermore, in the first 7 months of 2017 the export value reached 128 million dollars, with an increase of 15% compared to the similar period from the previous year.

Shipment to the European Union reached 10.7 million dollars in July, bringing the total export value in the first 7 months of the year to US$69 million, up 23% over the same period in 2016.

"Notably, in July, sales to Italy increased sharply after a period of continuous decline since the beginning of the year. Total tuna exports to this market hit US$1.2 million, up 166% over July last year. However, this increase was not enough to offset the decline in the first half of the year. Meanwhile, exports to Germany and the Netherlands continued to record the positive rises of 95% and 68% respectively year on year," VASEP explained.

With the growth rate from the beginning of the year, Israel has recently overtaken ASEAN and Japan to stay as the 3rd largest tuna importer of Vietnam. Vietnam's tuna exports to the market achieved US$28 million, up 155% from the first 7 months of 2016.

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