
US keeps a $450 million leverage on New Delhi

Safety & Legislation

Poultry ban applied in the past is still making waves at WTO even if India recently re-opened its market for US producers.

Posted on Aug 01 ,11:08

US keeps a $450 million leverage on New Delhi

The US is still hanging on to the case filed against India at World Trade Organisation against poultry ban applied in the past even if authorities in New Delhi have decided to re-open the market for American poultry products starting this spring.
New Delhi changed its import rules as Washington asked early this year and imports from the country started in April, informs The Hindu Business Line magazine. Nevertheless, US keeps the WTO file open and even requested a postpone of three months in the final decision that was supposed to be taken on 20 of July.
Only small volumes of poultry were shipped to India until now, but this is a question that is ruled by the demand existing on the market and not by the import rules dictated by the Indian Government.
"The retaliation panel, which was to give its verdict on the dispute on July 20, has been asked by the US to hold its decision for another three months. The US is keeping India on tenterhooks despite all its demands being met", complains one of the Indian officials.
India has asked Washington to withdraw its retaliation case against it at the WTO in February after it made the final set of changes in its sanitary and phytosanitary requirements for imports to bring them in line with what the country had demanded.
Three years ago, WTO has decided in favour of the US in another case regarding restrictive avian influenza measures which prevented American poultry products to enter the Indian market.

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