UK pork producers explore the Taiwanese market for export opportunities
The visit was organized by the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) and it follows an announcement in September that Taiwan had granted access to UK pork imports for the first time.
It followed a detailed process of inspections and negotiations led by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) alongside AHDB, the UK Export Certification Partnership (UKECP) and others.
AHDB Head of Asia Pacific Jonathan Eckley said: “This is an incredibly important mission for some of the UK’s leading processors and exporters of pork. We aim to help them gain first-hand insight into this exciting new market, exploring everything from the local market scene through to high-end retailers and the all-important food service sector.
“A key part of this trip will be the business-to-business meeting sessions which connects our exporters with key stakeholders in the supply chain in Taiwan. We understand that relationships are key to the international meat business, which is particularly the case in Asian markets. The introductions made by AHDB can be invaluable in facilitating trade.”
Eight delegates from the UK are spending the week visiting local retailers and meeting with leading importers and supply chain distributors to gain valuable insight into future opportunities for pig meat.
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