Turkish poultry market see fast recovery in turkey production
Turkey meat production has made a fast recovery in March, growing by 17.2% compared with the same month last year and by 20% from the previous month, reaching 5,086 tonnes. Also, the number of slaughtered chicken increased by 10.5%, chicken meat production increased by 9.3%, while hen egg production decreased by 2.8%, according to the latest report from Turkis Statistical Institute (TurkStat).
Over the first quarter of 2020, chicken meat production increased by 9.1%, the number of slaughtered chicken increased by 7.7%, turkey meat production increased by 2.3%, and hen egg production increased by 1.1% compared to the same period of 2019.
Chicken remains the most popular meat in Turkey, with the current production level getting close to peaks in production reported in the last couple of years, according to statistical data. Chicken meat production increased by 10.9% in March compared with the previous month and realized as 191,629 tonnes. The number of slaughtered chicken increased by 13.2% in March compared with the previous month, and reached to 110,302,000 birds.
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