Total sheep meat production in the EU-27 dropped back during 2020. 421,000 tonnes of sheep meat were produced by EU-27 countries, a decrease of 4% (-16,000 tonnes) on 2019 levels.
While the US foodservice industry has been hit particularly hard by the fallout from COVID-19, businesses remain optimistic, with expectations for a rebound in consumer activity in the second half of 2021. In January, survey data from the National Restaurant Association showed that restaurateurs remain positive, suggesting growth in the next six months.
Beef + Lamb New Zealand broadly supports the thrust of the Climate Change Commission’s draft advice to the Government but is concerned at the high levels of carbon offsetting and significant methane emissions reductions proposed. B+LNZ supports the Commission’s focus on the need for New Zealand to decarbonise its economy by making actual real reductions of gross carbon dioxide emissions.
Germany’s largest meat processor Toennies is growing and expanding as the next generation of the family is taking over, declining to comment on a report that the group was seeking a buyer.
The British meat industry warned of a permanent loss of export trade with the European Union of between 20% and 50% even after post-Brexit “teething problems” are ironed out.
The water footprint of the activity in pig farms has been reduced by 15% in the last 10 years thanks, among other issues, to the improvement in the conversion rates of feed or the optimization of facilities, equipment and water quality, as well as cleaning and cooling systems.
In 2020 alone, consumers worldwide ate 574 million metric tons of meat, seafood, dairy, and eggs, which equates to almost 75 kilograms per person. In comparison, about 13 million metric tons of protein alternatives were consumed globally last year, just 2 per cent of the market. The report forecasts that plant-based proteins will capture 11 per cent of the meat, seafood and dairy market by 2035, rising to 97 million metric tons.
Argentine beef exports corresponding to the first month of 2021 reached an approximate value of 199 million dollars, resulting 12% lower than the 226.1 million dollars obtained in January 2020. Argentine beef exports accumulated over the last year, from February 2020 to January 2021, were located in volumes close to 907 thousand tons equivalent to beef with bone, for a value close to 2,690 million dollars.
The EU exported 358,100 tonnes of fresh and frozen pork in December 2020, up 32% (86,000 tonnes) compared to the same month in 2019.
While the European market for fresh pork is moving sideways, while all players in the market are waiting for the corona restrictions to be eased, there is serious momentum in Asia. Not unexpectedly, it is China that is pulling the market up.
The family, who participated in the MLA-supported 'More lambs from ewe lambs' research, spent the...
Organised by Quality Meat Scotland (QMS) in partnership with Food and Drink Federation (FDF) Scot...
The objective of the Chair is the continuous implementation of research, transfer, dissemination,...