Scotland's meat producers are getting ready for Anuga 2017
The Quality Meat Scotland's stand will present ten Scottish exporters and it will highlight the Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) status of Scotch Beef and Scotch Lamb.
Furthermore, this year, the Specially Selected Pork brand will be also showcased to importers from around the world.
Exporters from around Scotland will be joined by staff and European agents from QMS to promote the Scottish red meat industry to buyers and traders from across the globe and highlight the quality assurance, provenance, and welfare that underpin each of the brands, according to the press release of QMS.
“Every major meat exporter in the world will be in Cologne next week. It is therefore vital that Scotland’s exporters have a strong presence at the show, highlighting what sets Scotch Beef, Scotch Lamb and Specially Selected Pork apart from their competitors in terms of quality and reputation," said Laurent Vernet, QMS Head of Marketing.
“Anuga is a fantastic platform to reinforce and strengthen our key brands and offers exporters from Scotland the opportunity to secure valuable business on the world market,” added Mr. Vernet.
With an exhibition size of over 284,000 m², the trade fair attracts over 155,000 trade visitors from 180 countries, making it a major event for many of Europe’s most influential buyers.
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