
Pini Polonia to be owned by Smithfield Foods

Mergers & Acquisitions

That it will be the 11th Polish subsidiary for Smithfield Foods and the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection have nothing to argue about this process of consolidation.

Posted on Nov 15 ,12:34

Pini Polonia to be owned by Smithfield Foods

Besides Animex group and other nine meat production and processing plants, Smithfield Foods will soon take control of Pini Polonia, according to an information delivered Poland's Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK).
Pini Polonia is part of the Pini Group capital group, which includes companies in Poland, Italy, and Hungary. It has a slaughterhouse in Kutno, it also supplies meat to stores and processing plants, according to Portal Spozywczy magazine.
"The transaction regarding the takeover of control over Pini Polonia by Smithfield Foods was originally notified to the European Commission, but the EC referred the case to UOKiK because it considered that the concentration affects only the Polish market and that the office has adequate knowledge and experience to investigate this matter", communicated UOKiK after conducting a market research - including examination of shares of concentration participants and other entrepreneurs operating on this market. In the opinion of the Office, the concentration will also not affect the access of small and medium market participants to large meat recipients.
Pursuant to the regulations - indicated in the statement - this transaction is subject to notification to the antimonopoly office if it involves entrepreneurs whose total turnover in the preceding year exceeded EUR 1 billion in the world or EUR 50 million in Poland.

"Decisions agreeing to the concentration expire if the transaction is not made within 2 years of their issuance" - reminds UOKiK.

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