Perutnina Ptuj invested €4.5 million in Serbia
Slovenian poultry producer Perutnina Ptuj, owned by Ukraine's Mironivsky Hliboproduct (MHP), invested €4.5 million in the construction of seven broiler farms in Backa Topola, in northern Serbia, MHP said.
The company will create 30 jobs with the opening of the facilities which will have an annual feeding capacity of two million broilers, MHP said in a statement last week.
The broiler farms are equipped with state-of-the-art feeding systems and guarantee the complete biological safety of the birds, fully automated control systems and technologies to monitor the growth of chicken.
Perutnina Ptuj decided to invest in its own production infrastructure in Serbia in order to have a competitive advantage and manage the entire production cycle for stable and quality deliveries to customers in its largest market in the Balkans.
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