Paraguay: Beef exports of 106,1 million dollars in January
According to the report of the National Service for Quality and Animal Health (SENACSA), in January shipments of the star category of livestock generated US$ 106.1 million, a figure corresponding to a reduction of 3.5% in relation to what was received in the same month in 2022, which was US$ 110 million.
The average price obtained in the first month of this year was $4,623 per ton, which shows a drop of 11.5% compared to the $5,220 per ton averaged in January 2022.
In contrast, we can mention the greater commercial flow registered at the beginning of the year, since 22,957 tons of meat were shipped in January, 9% more than the 21,073 tons exported at the beginning of last year.
Regarding the bovine meat markets, the trend of high dependence on a few buyers continues. Chile was the main destination with a 43% share of the total.
In January there were 31 active markets and if the four main destinations are taken, Chile, Brazil, Taiwan and Russia, these had a 73% share, leaving the remaining 27% distributed among the other 27 active markets.
Exports of products and by-products of animal origin generated some US$ 141.2 million in revenue in January of this year, corresponding to a 2% growth compared to the US$ 138.6 million invoiced in the same month last year.
In terms of volume, a total of 43,037 tons of livestock products were shipped, which showed an 11% increase in relation to the 38,697 tons exported in the previous year.
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