ORES to comprise 12 charcuterie brands
Vall Companys has launched ORES, a unit that aims to unite all the charcuterie brands owned by other enterprises owned by Vall Companys. In addition, the new transversal unit allows to unify some brands of Iberian pig, duroc 100%, duroc 50% and white layer that are made in different parts of the Spanish geography, faithful to the origins and tradition: Jabugo, Guijuelo, Teruel, Valdepenas and Osona, announced the group in a press release.
This cooked and cured division adapts to the needs of the distribution sector and international markets and has 12 brands and more than 200 references. To do this, it brings together the entire value chain, from genetics to packaging, through breeding and production, since all processes are carried out in Group plants to guarantee both the quality of the products and maximum food safety, with IAWS animal welfare seal.
Specifically, under the commercial umbrella of ORES the brands of Iberico Silencio de Jabugo (with PDO Jabugo) will be marketed; Flor Sierra, La Joya (El Repilado, Jabugo); Iberian Lineage and Epicum (Salamanca); Marbled (100% durac); Magno Duroc (50% Duroc); La Antigua Jamoneria, Placeres and Nevado de Calamocha (white-coated pork, made in Teruel, Valdepeñas and Osona).
ORES will not only be the name of the commercial unit, but it will also be present in the form of a distinctive seal printed on the packaging of the different products. This stamp will be presented as a locator pointer -similar to that of the different mobile applications- to highlight the origin, town, region and province of Spain where each product is produced and made.
The entire value chain of the production process, integrated within the Vall Companys Group, guarantees maximum control of food safety and also has the main IFS and international quality certificates. In addition, all ORES products have the Interporc Animal Welfare Spain animal welfare certificate.
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