New technology: Cell-cultured chicken project developed in Germany


Germany's biggest player in the poultry sector, PWH Group, and Israeli based company SuperMeat are teaming up to get cell-cultured chicken into the market in the next three years.

Posted on Jan 08 ,14:48

New technology: Cell-cultured chicken project developed in Germany


It is one of the first projects in the clean meat industry to be developed in Europe as a part of an effort to get cell-cultured meat into the stores by getting cost-competitive.

Cell-cultured clean meat it is based on a technology that requires extracting cells from living animals and growing those cells in a bioreactor filled with nutrient liquid. At the end of this cycle, the result is chicken meat, molecularly identical to conventional meat without having ever slaughtered an animal.

This technology could release 98% less greenhouse gas than conventional farming and requires 99% less land and 96% less water in the operation, according to Quartz.

Clean meat farms investments were made also by Cargill and Tyson Foods so the PHW Group's initiative is understandable. The company is the largest poultry producer in Germany and the third in Europe. Last year, PHW Group reported more than 2.46 billion euros in sales. It also slaughters an estimated number of 354 million birds each year.

The Israeli company SuperMeat was founded in 2015 and recently reported a capitalization of 3 million USD from two American venture capitalist funds: New Crop Capital and Stray Dog Capital - both of which are run by vegans.

(Photo source:

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