New research reveals pregnant women should consume more eggs

Recent research - Inadequate Choline Intake in Pregnant Women in Germany - has revealed that only 7% of pregnant women are consuming adequate amounts of choline - an essential nutrient found in eggs, needed for brain development in the womb and the renewal of brain cells.

Posted on Dec 18 ,04:46

New research reveals pregnant women should consume more eggs

The recommended choline intake for pregnant women set by the European Food Safety Authority is 480 mg/day. Two eggs provide 288mg of choline, which is 60% of this. Not many commonly-eaten foods contain choline. Liver and eggs are two of the best sources. That makes eggs the most palatable option for many people, especially during pregnancy and weaning.

UK dietitian Dr Carrie Ruxton comments: "This study, although done in Germany, is a wake-up call for pregnant women across the UK to consume more choline too. It’s a little-known nutrient but choline is especially crucial for pregnant women as it supports their growing baby’s brain. Recent research published by Oxford University found that higher maternal choline intakes during the second half of pregnancy and early postnatal period, or higher child intakes from supplements, were linked to positive effects on child memory, attention and visual-spatial learning (being able to analyse and understand visual information). As well as choline, egg nutrients such as iodine and B vitamins are also essential for normal brain health and function right across the age spectrum so that’s why it good to eat eggs regularly during pregnancy."

The NHS recommends that eggs are given to babies when they first start weaning. British Lion eggs can be safely eaten runny or even raw by pregnant women and babies.

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