New investment on waste water for the slaughterhouse in Saeby
Several years of work have now resulted in an agreement between Danish Crown and Frederikshavn Forsyning, which will ensure effective cleaning and utilization of biomass in the waste water from the Saeby slaughterhouse in the years to come.
“The project here is about circular economy, because we get to utilize the valuable substances that are in the waste water from the slaughterhouse. It is biomass that Danish Crown can sell for biogas production in the future. For us, this means that the load that the waste water from the slaughterhouse represents today will be significantly reduced, and we will have lower costs for energy and need to use less chemicals, ” says Rene Hansen, supply manager for waste water at Frederikshavn Forsyning.
He points out that the entire premise for the project has been that a new waste water line must be established directly from the slaughterhouse to the sewage treatment plant. The new pipeline will be laid underground.
At the slaughterhouse in Saeby, there is also joy that the agreement is now in place.
“It is fantastic that we have landed a solution which is both an environmental and an economic gain for both parties. At the same time, the agreement is also a picture of a solution that points to the future, as we can reduce emissions and because the biomass that is separated from the waste water in the pre-treatment plant can now be used for the production of biogas and thus benefit the rest of society, ” says factory manager at Danish Crown in Saeby, Jesper Sørensen.
For Frederikshavn Forsyning, it is an investment of a small two-digit million amount, while Danish Crown must pay for the operation and the depreciation. It is expected that the project can be ready for use within the coming year, but this will only be confirmed when the contract has been put out to tender.
The biomass, which comes from the slaughterhouse's production today, is disposed of on agricultural land by Frederikshavn Forsyning. It costs the utility company money, and it is therefore a cost that the company can significantly reduce in the future as a result of the agreement with Danish Crown. Frederikshavn Forsyning estimates that with the new waste water line, the amount that must be spread out can be reduced by 80 percent.
“If we put on the glasses of the future, we will also reduce the Co2 load, because we will use less energy. Both we and Danish Crown have calculated on the business case, so it is attractive for both parties, ” adds Rene Hansen.
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