
New feedstuff distribution equipmentinnovation for pig farms


The Pig-track system is a feed system that manages the feeder and the drinking trough. The animals are equipped with a chip, the feeding device includes a variable dosing system, a probe in the bottom of the trough controlling the consumption. The trough is equipped with a precise counter.

Posted on Sep 10 ,07:00

New feedstuff distribution equipmentinnovation for pig farms


The Asserva company analysis of feed consumption and water consumption of each pig, as well as the number of trips to the feeders and drinking trough, allow the early detection of diseased animals. 
Tis product presents three interests:
- The reduction of drug costs, it is possible to isolate the diseased pig or to treat it individually before it contaminates its congeners.
- A reduction in the loss of exploitation, in fact the farmer generally detects the diseases when 20% of the animals are affected. With this system if one or two pigs are sick and treated early, the loss of exploitation will be widely decreased. 
- Traceability of feeding and medication is possible animal per animal. In a market requiring traceability, especially with the problem of antibiotics, this tool is an easy answer for the breeder. 
In addition, the individual RFID weighing (microchip) analyses the performance of each animal. It is easy to make a comparison between each group of piglets depending on the sow in maternity and to select very quickly the best, in order to perfect the livestock on interesting databases.

Since 1978, Asserva has strived to design, develop, manufacture, install and provide after-sales services in the field of automation solutions and feeding methodes for rearing swine, cattle and poultry. Digitalised work systems to offer better working conditions to breeders, preserving animal welfare in several fields: dry and liquid feed distribution, unique automatic and individual feeding systems (ESF station, smart, farrowing feeder), personalised stations for laboratories, institutes or private companies, livestock building ventilation and heating, venti-clean, air whasing module and processing of animal, manure (air cleaning and filtration, manure treatment plant). Since 2008, Asserva has applied its technical expertise to improve heating methods for livestock buildings.

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