Myanmar pork industry complains about illegal imports from Thailand
Illegal pork imports from Thailand are affecting Myanmar's pork industry as the prices are very low. Myanmar Livestock Federation joint secretary U Zaw Myo Tun said the country’s swine industry is being challenged because of developments in Vietnam and Thailand. “The slaughterhouses do not buy the pigs from us, as supply from Thailand is half of what our pigs cost,” said Mr Zaw, according to Black Sea Grain platform.
At the same time, Vietnam has flooded the Thai market with excessive volumes of pork due to tough crackdowns by Chinese authorities on illegal border trade. As Vietnam’s swine market collapsed, Thai brokers then brought the hogs into the country at a low price, resulting in domestic swine farms being infected with a disease. Consequently, Japan has stopped Thai pork imports for a four-month period due to the disease, while pigs from Thailand are being exported illegally into Myanmar.
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