Meat in vegan food triggers investigation in the UK
UK's Sainsbury's and Tesco are under investigation from Food Standard Agency (FSA) after complaints from the clients that claimed they have found meat in their vegan food have been proved by the lab tests.
FSA confirmed that laboratory tests showed that found traces of pork in Sainsbury's "meat free" meatballs and traces of turkey in a vegan macaroni ready meal from Tesco, informs Business Insider.
"Our priority is to ensure consumers can be confident that the food they eat is safe and is what it says it is. We are investigating the circumstances surrounding these alleged incidents and any resulting action will depend upon the evidence found", said a spokeswoman from FSA. There are also pieces of information that German government has ordered additional tests on the vegan food sold into the stores in Germany. The products involved in UK investigation were approved by the Vegetarian Society, which means it has been independently checked. Both supermarkets said their own tests have not found any meat traces.
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