Meat consumption in the Netherlands is stabilizes
Since 2015, meat consumption among Dutch people has stabilized at around 76.6 kilograms of meat per person per year as gross carcass weight, including bone, fat and rind, according to researchers from Wageningen University. Only half of that volume is consumed as meat or meat products, the scientists believe.
Half of the Dutch consumers see themselves as "flexitarians" and declared that their meals include meat at least three times a week.
Pork remains the most popular meat in the Netherlands, with an annual share of 36.5 kilograms per person, followed by poultry (22.1 kg), beef (15.4 kg), veal (1.3 kg) and goat meat (1.2 kg).
The rate of consumers that replaced meat in their diets with different alternatives was calculated at 5%.
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