Low consumption drags Panama poultry output down
At the end of 2019, poultry production in Panama stood at 178,600 tonnes, down 0.2% from the previous year. The president of the National Association of Poultry Farmers of Panama, ANAVIP, Luis Carlos Castroverde, blames the "low consumption of chicken meat in the domestic market for this slight decline." Poultry consumption in the country has declined since 2018 and farmers were forced to adjust production, explained Castroverde, according to Avicultura.info magazine.
The latest official data regarding poultry consumption per capita in Panama is at 40.82 kilos. At the same time, the pork industry in the country reported a decline of 9.3% in slaughter figures for last year. Panama has a population of 4 million and the pork consumption in the country is very low, with 13.60 kg consumed annually.
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