JBS: Test reveals that 100 percent biodiesel (B100) has a yield equivalent to fossil diesel
Since the start of the test, the truck has covered a total of 59,938 km, transporting more than 3,200 tons of products. Around 35 thousand liters of B100 biofuel were consumed.
JBS, one of the largest food companies in the world, reaffirms its commitment to reducing the carbon footprint of its business and presents the results of the first stage of testing in the project to use 100% biodiesel (B100) in its truck fleet. In the last six months, a DAF 530 truck, from the Dutch manufacturer DAF, was used by JBS Transportadora on the logistics route between Lins (SP) and the port of Santos, on the coast of São Paulo, and supplied exclusively with biodiesel produced by JBS Biodiesel. The result showed that the vehicle fueled with 100% biodiesel (B100) had an efficiency equivalent to diesel and emitted up to 80% less carbon dioxide.
"It took six months of operation and the results show that the use of B100 is promising. The initial results show that the performance of the vehicle fueled with biodiesel is equivalent to that used on the same route with conventional diesel, but with a much lower environmental impact", explains Alexandre Pereira, commercial director at JBS Biodiesel.
The executive explains that biodiesel emits up to 80% less carbon dioxide than fossil diesel, being a cleaner, biodegradable and highly environmentally efficient fuel. Furthermore, tests have shown that it is an immediate replacement for fossil fuel and compatible with existing engine technology in the automobile industry. In other words, it is a practical, sustainable and available option. These factors, among others, make a very relevant contribution to reducing transport-related emissions. "Our objective is to prove the quality of biodiesel as an immediate alternative for decarbonizing the energy matrix in Brazilian transport", comments Pereira.
Since the start of the test, in July 2023, the truck has covered a total of 59,938 km, transporting more than 3.2 thousand tons of products manufactured at the JBS industrial hub in Lins. In total, around 35 thousand liters of B100 biofuel were consumed. During this phase, periodic perception tests with drivers indicated positive performance and performance in the biodiesel-powered vehicle.
"We are optimistic about the use of 100% biodiesel (B100) as a safe and high-quality alternative for use in trucks on a large scale. Tests showed that 100% biodiesel (B100) has a positive impact on performance, performance and the preservation of important truck items, such as the engine", says Armando Volpe, director of JBS Transportadora.
The test with B100 in the truck fleet is in line with the movement to expand biofuels in Brazil's transport matrix. In December 2023, the federal government announced that the mixture of biodiesel in diesel will increase from 12% to 14% from March this year, with a forecast of reaching 15% by 2025. Furthermore, at the end of last year, the Federal Executive sent the Future Fuel Law Project to Congress, whose main objective is to stimulate the advancement of biofuels in the Brazilian energy matrix.
With units located in Lins, Mafra (SC) and Campo Verde (MT), JBS Biodiesel is one of the five largest biodiesel producers in Brazil, being a leader in the production of biofuel from residues from the cattle, pig and birds. Currently, the Company's installed capacity is around 785 million liters per year, an amount equivalent to just over 10% of the volume of 7.3 billion liters of biofuel produced in 2023, according to data from the National Petroleum Agency, Gas and Biofuels (ANP).
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