Isotope testing for British pork to be extended to butcher shops
Agricultural and Horticultural Development Board (AHDB) wants to extend the isotope testing for pork to the butcher shops across Britain to provide consumers additional information about the meat they buy in terms of traceability. Until now, routine isotope testing of pork products, which claim to be British, has been limited to the large retailers.
Isotope testing identifies where an animal was raised, so can easily spot where imported pork products are being mis-sold as British.
"Retailers and butchers across the country are championing British pork and we need to protect these businesses. We all have a part to play in retaining consumer confidence and trust around our food. Extending the reach of this robust science will help protect the integrity of the British pig industry," said Angela Christison, AHDB’s Pork Strategy Director.
If tests reveal that meat being sold as British does not originate from Britain, appropriate authorities can take action to address the situation.
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