Ireland will now be able to export meat to Kuwait
In March, Ireland hosted a discovery visit for Kuwaiti officials that helped to progress negotiations.
“This agreement follows on from bilateral negotiations between my Department and Kuwait, with the ongoing assistance of the Irish Embassy in Abu Dhabi, including our Agricultural Attaché in the Gulf Region who is based in the Embassy,” the Minister said.
“The opening of this new market is a reflection of the confidence held by the Kuwaiti authorities in the high standards of food safety and the rigorous controls in Ireland. It marks another important step in the development of Ireland’s agri-food links with Kuwait and with the whole Gulf region,” Mr. Creed added.
The opening of this market follows another announcement from July that Ireland gained access to the market in Qatar also.
The Irish department explained that these new markets come under the market development theme of the Food Wise 2025 Strategy.
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