
Interporc: "The pig sector is moving towards a neutral climate impact"


"The Spanish pig sector works every day with the aim of advancing towards a neutral climate impact of the activity compatible with the economic and social sustainability of the activity."

Posted on Dec 20 ,11:55

Interporc: "The pig sector is moving towards a neutral climate impact"

And it is that, according to the director of the Interprofessional of the Porcino de Capa Blanca, INTERPORC, Alberto Herranz, “we cannot measure the footprint of the pig activity without taking into account its impact on the environment, but also on the economy, in employment, in the availability of safe and affordable food for the population, in fixing the population or in the future of rural areas ”.

For Herranz, all professionals in the sector "are very aware of the need to move towards more sustainable food systems, but always taking into account everything they contribute".

The Spanish pig sector, the INTERPORC director explained, has been working on environmental improvements for years and in fact has reduced its GHG emissions by 40% in the last fifteen or its water consumption per kilo of meat produced by 30%.

However, he pointed out, "we cannot forget that our mission is to produce quality, healthy food in sufficient quantity to meet the demand of the population, and we do so in a more sustainable way."

To achieve this, "we apply the best available techniques and invest in technology with the aim of achieving a neutral climate impact before 2050, in line with the provisions of the European Green Deal."

Essential and irreplaceable production

In Herranz's opinion, the pig sector "has proven to be an essential public good, a sustainable and integrated activity in the territory, with enormous socio-economic importance, on which the development of thousands of towns in our most rural Spain depends." This, in addition, has been one of the messages that the Interprofessional communicated at the Food Systems Summit, to which "we brought the conclusions of the INTERPORC Independent Dialogue, sponsored by the UN, held last May, because" meat-livestock production is a fundamental and irreplaceable pillar of the global set of the world food system, and essential to guarantee its environmental, social and economic sustainability. It would be pointless or justified to allow any reduction or substitution approach.

The Spanish pig production model is the most demanding in the world in terms of sustainability, but also, the INTERPORC director has added, in animal welfare. "We go beyond national and European regulations in these matters, hence the achievements and commitment with which all professionals in the sector work."

As an example of this commitment, he recalled “the extraordinary reception of the 'Certified Welfare Commitment' seal, a clear example of the will of the sector to ensure the highest standards in the world in animal welfare and of our strong commitment to caring for our animals.

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