INTERPORC: The video surveillance law reconfirms the good work of the Spanish pig sector
This has been highlighted by the director of the Interprofessional INTERPORC, Alberto Herranz, on the occasion of the recent entry into force of Royal Decree 695/2022, of August 23, which establishes measures for the control of animal welfare in slaughterhouses through the installation of video surveillance systems, at the end of last August.
Herranz recalls that in 2019 INTERPORC launched the voluntary seal 'Certified Welfare Commitment' "an initiative that placed Spain at the global forefront in animal welfare and that included in its technical regulations the obligation to install video surveillance cameras".
To obtain this certification, the INTERPORC Animal Welfare Spain (IAWS) Technical Regulation , accredited by ENAC, requires having a continuous image recording system installed in the areas where live animals are found (unloading area, stables, pre-stunning, etc.), in order to monitor aspects related to animal welfare and guarantee the existence of good practices.
More than 60% of pork production is certified, which allows the availability of certified products in numerous and important distribution chains, both national (Hipercor, Aldi, Alcampo, Ahorramas, Carrefour, etc.) and international (Morrisons, Tesco, Soriana ).
Furthermore, added the director of INTERPORC, "it has made it possible to bring to the fore a consumer demand to which the sector had already responded by demonstrating its commitment to animal welfare".
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