
INTERPORC: "Our pork generates confidence abroad due to its quality and safety"


The strength abroad of the Spanish white-coated pig "is due to the confidence generated by the quality and safety of its meat." This was highlighted by Alberto Herranz, director of the Interprofesional del Porcino de Capa Blanca (INTERPORC), during his participation in the Ágora Top Gan 2022 Virtual Table.

Posted on Jun 27 ,08:05

INTERPORC: "Our pork generates confidence abroad due to its quality and safety"

In his presentation, 'The Spanish pig and international markets', he explained that Spanish companies sold a total of 3.1 million tons of pork products abroad in 2021 for a value of more than 7,718 million euros. This represented a growth of 4.36% in volume and 1.2% in value, compared to the previous year.

Of these quantities, 92.8% in volume and 83.4% in value correspond to meat, offal and related products. The rest corresponds to processed products.

These figures have taken the Spanish pig sector from third to second position in the world ranking of exporters, and very close to the first, the USA. Specifically, Spain exports pigs to more than 130 international markets.

Main agri-food exporter

The positive trade balance for pigs provides a surplus of 7,212 million euros for the Spanish economy, which makes it a driving force for the Spanish economy and the largest export sector in the agri-food sector, ahead of fruit, vegetables, wine or the olive oil.

However, more than the figures, the director of INTERPORC has highlighted that "for the rest of the world, our production model is synonymous with sustainable production, quality, animal welfare and food safety, and that is the key that leads us to continue growing in the most competitive markets”.

Asian market

On the other hand, Herranz has referred to the data from the latest study carried out by the Interprofessional on the perception of white-layer cured ham in Japan, China, South Korea, China-Taiwan and Vietnam.

This work, he said, shows that "in Asia there is a clear trend of increased consumption of pork products and we must seize the moment, especially because the image of the Spanish pork product is very good among consumers."

In fact, three of these countries (China, Japan and South Korea) are among the six to which most pork is exported from Spain. "A clear example of the potential that this area presents for Spanish companies", he concluded.

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