IFA urges government support for the Irish livestock sector
IFA's Chairman said farmers are struggling due to falling cattle prices, increased costs, the severe weather conditions witnessed all year and the erosion of direct payments.
He underlined that confidence in the suckler sector is at a very low ebb "after the horrendous year they have been through and are now facing a very difficult market situation for the sale of weanlings and stores."
In addition, Mr. Woods also called on to the Minister of Agriculture to show increased support for the low income livestock sector, adding that the sector needs support in the live export trade with "export credit insurance, mechanisms to deal with currency fluctuations and increased promotions." He said the live trade is critical for competition and additional market outlets.
Angus Woods said there are live export opportunities, which if fully pursued, would significantly boost the mart trade for store cattle and weanlings. “Minister Creed has to show that the Government is concerned about the income crisis in the livestock sector and take immediate action on sucklers and live exports.” He said the live trade to Spain has major potential if fully developed and supported.
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