IAWS - the most complete animal welfare certification in Europe

Animal welfare

The current world situation of African Swine Fever (ASF), which is a totally harmless disease for humans but with catastrophic economic consequences for the pig sector, makes biosecurity really important such as one of the most effective measures in controlling the spread of this disease.

Posted on Dec 10 ,06:50

IAWS - the most complete animal welfare certification in Europe

Taking extreme precautions is absolutely necessary, and thanks to the Animal Welfare and Biosecurity Technical Regulation INTERPORC ANIMAL WELFARE SPAIN (IAWS), the Spanish White Pork Sector is committed to animal welfare and biosecurity, in order to avoid the entry of pathogens as much as possible, as well as to reduce their infection, preserving the health and comfort of all animals.

Therefore, the IAWS certification not only includes measures for the animal's own benefit, according to the five freedoms from OIE and adopted by the Farm Animal Welfare Council, but also includes a specific area with biosecurity requirements that farms, slaughterhouses and industry must meet if they wish to obtain this demanding certificate.

The IAWS Technical Regulation indicates the presence and implementation of a hygiene and biosecurity plan, which stablishes some mandatory measures as preventing the entrance of meat products from other foreign countries, the presence of a perimeter fence to avoid the contact with wild animals, the duty to incorporate showers or an equivalent system in farms, the need to maintain the surroundings of the farm in a correct state of cleansing and maintenance, and the cleansing and disinfection of the vehicles and the farm within the “all-in all-out” system, among others.

In conclusion, this way of understanding animal welfare as a concept directly interrelated with other fields (biosecurity, health, handling, traceability and food safety) is proper and exclusive to the IAWS certification, thus establishing itself as the most complete, safe and demanding animal welfare certification in Europe.

For more information, please check our website:

Regarding biosecurity, please check this video:

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