Happy Mortadella Day!


On 24 October 1661, 361 years ago, Cardinal Farnese issued a notice that codified, for the first time, the production of mortadella, in fact constituting the first Disciplinary of Mortadella Bologna, similar to the current IGP.

Posted on Oct 24 ,10:06

Happy Mortadella Day!

For this reason, the Italian Consortium for the protection of Mortadella Bologna has chosen, for several years now, the date of 24 October to celebrate this anniversary, organizing a day of celebration on Mortadella Day, which this year will be held in two ways: one virtual and the other in person.

In the first, through the hashtag #MortadellaDay all those who love Bologna Mortadella will be able to share their passion for Bolognese salami by posting photos, recipes and occasions to enjoy life together with Mortadella Bologna, always at the center of a good mood. On the other hand the event is organized in the Central Market of Rome in Termini Station. During the day, "La Sposa Perfetta", a model with a long pink mortadella dress, will shoot inside the Central Market distributing illustrative material to inform the public that ten artisans will propose their original interpretations of Mortadella Bologna PGI , creating a real and its own gastronomic path and allowing the visitors of the place to taste it in many different possibilities, confirming the versatility of this protected salami.
The show cooking will see the confrontation between the Roman chef Antonio Ziantoni and the French Bernard Fournier, due to the fact that the Mortadella Day is part of the DELI MEAT promotion project funded by the EU and intended for the Italian and French market.
Finally, the third protagonist is the Emilian Daniele Reponi, “a bit host and a bit salumiere” creator of gourmet sandwiches, animated by a passion with which he makes and tells them.
Finally, in the early afternoon there will be the exclusive Masterclass held by Sonia Peronaci , cook, writer, TV presenter and blogger, who will propose a special recipe based on Mortadella Bologna PGI to an audience of 20 influencers from all over Italy.

The DELIN MEAT project unites three agri-food consortia for the protection of PDO and PGI cured meats, and is co-financed by the European Union. The campaign includes the promotion of the following food excellences: Mortadella Bologna PGI , Salamini Italiani alla Cacciatora PDO , Zampone Modena PGI and Cotechino Modena PGI with the aim of contributing to increasing the level of knowledge and recognition and competitiveness and conscious consumption in Italy and in France.

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