Germany: Imports of goose meat have fallen by 32.8 percent in ten years
That was 32.8% less than ten years earlier. In 2012, almost 22,000 tons of goose meat were imported into this country. The decline was particularly significant last year: 19.1% less goose meat was imported in 2022 than in 2021 (18,200 tons).
The majority (97.6%) of imports again came from Eastern Europe in 2022: a good 11,200 tons of goose meat were imported to Germany from Poland (76.1%), and almost 3,200 tons (21.5%) from Hungary.
Only a small part of the goose meat supply comes from commercial slaughter in Germany. In 2022, almost 2,400 tons of goose meat were produced in this country. Three quarters (75.7%) of these were produced in October, November and December. December alone accounted for 41.4% of annual production.
Compared to other types of poultry, goose meat plays a relatively minor role in Germany's kitchens. Only 0.2% of the 1.5 million tonnes of poultry meat commercially slaughtered in Germany in 2022 came from geese. For comparison: 1.4% came from ducks, 2.4% from soup chickens, 26.3% from turkeys and by far the largest proportion, 69.7%, came from young fattening chickens.
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