Germany: BMEL applies for aid for farms affected by restrictions due to FMD
This is intended to compensate for income losses caused by movement bans and the resulting market disruptions in the weeks following the FMD outbreak through a so-called market support measure. Brandenburg estimates the damage caused at just under 8 million euros.
The Federal Minister for Food and Agriculture, Cem Özdemir : "The foot-and-mouth disease has hit many companies in Brandenburg hard, both economically and emotionally. Thanks to the courageous action of all the responsible authorities, the rapid establishment of exclusion zones and the ban on the transport of animals and animal products in the affected area, we have not yet recorded any further cases. This has averted even greater damage to all companies throughout Germany. Our aim is that not a single farm has to cease operations due to foot-and-mouth disease. That is why, after close coordination with the state of Brandenburg, we have applied to the European Commission for aid for the companies directly affected. The companies in Brandenburg are dependent on this financial support measure in order to be able to continue. There is no time to lose in Brussels now".
In order to prevent the spread of FMD, the state of Brandenburg had temporarily issued a so-called "standstill", i.e. a ban on the transport of cattle, pigs, sheep, goats and camelids throughout the state. The transport of these animal species and animal products was also prohibited within the protection and surveillance zones. Dairy cattle and pig farms were particularly affected by these measures. Due to the bans on the transport of animals and animal products, there was a backlog of slaughter pigs in the state of Brandenburg and raw milk was not collected and had to be disposed of. For the producers, this led to price losses and loss of income. The damage to milk producers amounts to around 882,000 euros and to 7 million euros for pig farms in Brandenburg.
The BMEL's application is based on Article 220 paragraph 3 of Regulation (EU) No. 1308/2013 of the Common Market Organisation (CMO). The state of Brandenburg had previously pledged its financial contribution as required under Article 220 paragraph 5 subparagraph 2 of the CMO. If the application is approved, the European Union could compensate 60 percent of the damage.
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